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transport medium中文是什么意思

用"transport medium"造句"transport medium"怎么读"transport medium" in a sentence


  • 传播介质
  • 输送媒介
  • 运送培养液,运载液,转移培养基


  • Third parties with access to the transport medium may re - route or alter data in transit
  • Is the elapsed time between putting the first bit on the transport medium on the sender side and receiving this bit on the receiver side
  • Zlyg series vertical pipeline oil sump is used to transport such oil products as gas , kerosene and diesel oil . the temperature of transported medium is - 20 + 120
    Zlyg系列立式管道油泵,供输送汽油、煤油、柴油等石油产品,被输送介质温度为- 20 + 120 。
  • Contains classes that support and handle channels and channel sinks , which are used as the transport medium when a client calls a method on a remote object
  • In order to overcome in collision of transport media access , a network middleware based on rtcc protocol should be built up , through which real - time communication can be achieved
  • The fiber of distributed optic fiber is not only transport media but also sensing media . it has the peculiarity of insulation and resistance of electromagnetic interfere , small size and do little effect to temperature field
  • The part of impeller and his transport medium contact all use assembling partial fluorine ethylene or strengthen the process or mould plastics that the polypropylene mould pressinges and process and becomes the pump cover his pump aspect pf ( fs ) mould chemical industry pump
  • It sends digital signals based on dmx512 . pci bus is the data - transporting media between cpu and single - chip computer . at present , there are several kinds of schemes for the pci bus and the peripheral circuit
    ( 2 )设计以pci总线为cpu和负责处理dmx512仂,议数据的单片机之间数据传输媒介的数据通讯卡,研究pci总线的有关特点,比较各种pci接口方案的优缺点,结合实际选出一种切实可行的方案。
  • In order to integrate with all trading applications , the universal server has a range of technology adapters which accommodate all common synchronous and asynchronous transport media , and message transformers are used to map fix messages to from native data structures
  • Adopt advanced technic of f4 whole cold - press to moulding and heat melt to process to make , let the lining no slot to link withal cheek by jowl connect with exterior metalpipes wall , in the state of allowwing to work keep to distort in - phase , thereby to enhance using - life of lining in the working status of opposite high temperature high vacuum , stop the ecumenic pad fluorin pipes using in condition of cold and heat alternate and minus tension to come into being the matter of padding fluorin floor shrivel to jam the flowway and plastic rip , its perfect choice use to transport medium of strong corrosive strong oxidation by modern chemical - industry corporation
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"transport medium"造句  


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